Meatless Mondays, MeatOut Days … it’s all bull crap

There are radical anti-agriculture activists working to end meat production and our way of life here in Nebraska.

It never ceases to amaze me how politics can get in the way of anything in life these days. Take the beef industry as a “prime” example.
The left continues to point fingers at the beef industry as a contributor to climate change. Yes, cows burp and fart methane as part of their digestive process. So, in their minds, it’s just common sense that we need to get rid of them—just like oil and natural gas.
To that, I say, “Bull!”
With the new administration, we hear more and more about how meat production and consumption is bad, not only for our health, but for our planet as well.
Ironically, the Meatless Mondays campaign dates back to the early 2000s. But obviously, we hear more about it these days with the left in power.  
A perfect example is our neighbor to the west—Colorado.
Not long ago, Colorado was considered to be a conservative state. Not anymore. As the liberals in California realized their state was getting even too liberal and too costly for them, they fled to Colorado, Texas and Arizona and brought their liberal politics with them.
In February, Colorado’s Democratic governor Jared Polis dissed his own state’s beef industry by proclaiming March 20 as “MeatOut Day.”
His proclamation noted that plant-based diets better protect the environment and that more people are cutting meat consumption as a way to lessen animal cruelty.
Actually, MeatOut Day was started in 1985 as a national event by Farm Animal Rights Movement, with the goal of decreasing consumption of all animal products. The organization celebrates it every year on March 20.
In response, Colorado’s beef producers countered with their own Meat in Day.
Phillips County commissioners proclaimed March 20 as Phillips County Cattlemen’s Day. A free barbecue in Holyoke served more than 650 people, featuring beef, pork, lamb and goat, donated from local producers.
Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts responded with “Meat on the Menu” day March 20, encouraging people to buy and eat beef, pork, chicken, lamb or another kind of meat on that day.
Nebraska’s ag economy revolves around meat production and the feed grown in this state to support that production.
The beef industry is similar to the newspaper industry: “Saying I don’t need newspapers, I get my news from the internet is the same as saying I don’t need farmers, cause I get my food at the supermarket.”
Ricketts was absolutely right when he said there are radical anti-agriculture activists working to end meat production and our way of life here in Nebraska. It doesn’t stop with Nebraska, as we saw just west of us.
Meatless Mondays. MeatOut Days. Far as I’m concerned, it’s all a bunch of bull crap!


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