School organizations make adjustments for state contests

Events across the state have been canceled or postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Included in those events are the state conferences and conventions of school organizations.
Three organizations that have Chase County Schools students as members have been affected—FFA, FBLA and FCCLA.
State FFA
The Nebraska State FFA Convention was supposed to be held April 1-3.
“They’re trying to figure out how to do all the contests online,” Imperial FFA Advisor Jason Speck said.
Speck mentioned events like speeches and parliamentary procedure could easily be done virtually.
“They’re hoping to have that all done by July 15,” he added.
During Nebraska FFA Week May 21-22, the current state officers will give their retiring addresses and state degree recipients will be read.
Today (Thursday) at 2:30 p.m. on the Nebraska FFA Facebook page, the 2020-21 state officers will be announced.
Candidates include Imperial FFA member Jozie Schilke and Hayes Center FFA member Jakob Anderjaska.
The National FFA Convention is set to be held Oct. 28-31.
There have been no announcements on cancelation or postponement of the national convention.
Schilke’s proficiency in grain production has also been named a finalist.
State and national FBLA
The Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) was supposed to have its state conference in late March/early April.
“For state this year, they are awarding students in the prejudge projects and online tests/presentation events only,” CCS chapter advisor Sandy O’Neil said.
The top eight and honorable mention events will be awarded. All objective tests and computer skills events will not take place.
“They will be having a virtual awards program for those events later this month,” O’Neil said. “And we are still not sure what will happen with nationals this year. “
Nationals is set to take place in Salt Lake City, Utah from June 29 to July 2.
State and national FCCLA
Social media was where the state conference for Nebraska Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) took place.
The event was supposed to be held April 5-7.
The hopes were to have a virtual conference, but it was unable to take place.
“Scores from the district STAR events were applied. That is how national winners were decided,” FCCLA Advisor Alex Schilke said.
The 2020-21 Nebraska state officers were also announced and introduced via Facebook last weekend. This included the new state president Alexis Richmond, currently a junior at CCS.
“I am so very pleased for her success with State FCCLA,” Schilke said. “I believe she will be an excellent leader for Nebraska FCCLA this coming year. She has made our chapter and Chase County Schools very proud.”
It was announced this week that the 2020 National FCCLA Conference will be held online.
The organization will hold its first-ever Virtual National Leadership Conference themed “Your Story!”
The 75th Annual Conference will be held July 7-9 and will include speeches, break-out sessions and virtual contests.


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