Unfortunately, we deal with another school shooting

All of us are still watching the details unfold after another horrendous school shooting, this time at Robb Elementary School in the small Texas town of Uvalde. No doubt, parents of young children here and across this country are holding them just a bit closer right now.
        There is no simple answer to why this tragedy continues to occur, but it’s not a singular one. There is something unsettling going on in America, and for anyone to think the answer is easy, they’re fooling themselves.
        We live today with too many 24-hour cable news stations and online pundits, many of whom were quick to point out this week, just hours after it happened, why these school shooting keep occurring. President Biden himself had to jump on the gun control bandwagon Tuesday night, rather than grieve with the families who lost 19 children and two adults.
    It’s hard for most of us to fathom how a person can go into a school with the apparent intent of killing children. That’s an entire issue in itself—mental health is something not being addressed well enough. All of us are aware of the severe shortage of mental health professionals in all corners of the country.
    Schools must take a proactive approach in keeping their facilities safe. The CCS board of education can be commended for its efforts in making school safety a priority here. In the past couple of years, CCS funds installed a new double, entry door into the school where all visitors have to be buzzed in. No one can just walk into the school—all doors are locked throughout the school day. If a door is propped open anywhere, the head of maintenance gets an alert. A new fob system shows who is entering and when (teachers and staff have fobs). All new windows completed the past year have also provided more security. The school has regular drills with local law enforcement officers. Law enforcement experts recommend these upgrades for schools, as well as security guards.
    Even with such proactive steps taken, we also have to realize evil does exist, and in Tuesday’s case, it was here among us.


The Imperial Republican

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