Requiring voter ID protects my vote

Say something loud enough and long enough and people will begin to believe it’s true.

Say something loud enough and long enough and people will begin to believe it’s true. That’s been the left’s game plan when villifying new and/or proposed voting laws being adopted in mostly red states.
    There’s a reason those new laws are being put into effect—to protect the sanctity of the right to vote.
    President Biden and his coharts, both in Congress and the media, keep screaming ‘fire, fire” on the issue. It’s Jim Crow 2.0, or even worse, “Jim Eagle,” or whatever the president meant with that assessment.
    Ironically, if you study your history, the party of Jim Crow was the Democrats. It was Southern Democrats who wanted to protect slavery.
    After the Civil War freed those slaves, African Americans got the right to vote. However, they were either intimidated enough to stay home or were subjected to passing some quirky “Jim Crow” tests that ultimately kept them from the polls.
    But to hear the Democrats today, it was the Republicans who deprived Blacks of their voting rights and they’re doing it again with laws designed to protect the integrity of one’s vote.
    Say something loud enough and long enough and people will begin to believe it’s true.
    Democrats insist that having to show an ID to get an absentee ballot or to vote at the polls is racist. If you’re White and disagree, now you’re a white supremacist.
    They say many minority voters don’t have the ability or the access to obtain an ID. “Come on, man!”
    Say something loud enough and long enough and people will begin to believe it’s true.
    Voting laws in many blue states were set aside this past presidential election due to COVID-19. In some states, if a person had a mailing address, they got a ballot. No need to prove identity nor anyway to validate those recipients were indeed registered voters.
    Were votes in the last election cast by non-registered voters or worse, non-existant voters, and then counted? That’s something we’re never going to know the true answer to, but my money is on yes.
    As a result, every registered voter in this country should be alarmed. Every one of those clandestine votes offsets the vote of a registered voter. That can’t be tolerated.
    So in a way, by clamoring for existing voting laws to be relaxed or set aside, the Democrats triggered the need for protecting the integrity and sanctity of voting rights for registered voters.
    But the left continues to proclaim these new voting laws make it harder for people to vote by reducing voting hours, reducing polling places, reducing access to absentee ballots or prohibiting access food or drink while standing in line for hours to vote. These half-truths and total falsehoods just keep coming.
    Say something loud enough and long enough and people will begin to believe it’s true.
    And how have Republicans reacted to all this?—like the little kid on the playground arguing back and forth with another kid over who’s right. “I am!” “No, I am.” “Uh, uh. I am.” “Are not!” “Am too!” And it goes on and on.
    The right has to go on the offensive. These voting laws truly do protect the sanctity of your vote and mine. It’s time to take that message to the masses instead of always trying to defend itself against those who shout the loudest and the longest.


The Imperial Republican

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