Biden makes it official—he’s running again

If Republicans can’t beat Biden in 2024, they need to find new leadership.

It was no surprise this week when President Biden announced Tuesday he’s seeking a second term. There was much news talk and stories leading up to the  announcement, which came on the same day on the calendar that he announced four years ago.
    And, it was also no surprise that he did it in a 3-minute video on YouTube rather than a live announcement in some key state for next year’s election, or in his home state of Delaware. But you only have to watch of few of his “live” addresses to know why his handlers decided he’d announce via video–those can be edited.
    After nearly two and a half years as President, his actions and priorities have this nation on a path to looking completely different from what it was. There’s no question the country was not in a totally great place when he took office, yet we just have to look at some of what has happened since to judge him as he seeks another term.
    We now have inflation higher than any time in the past 40 years, a wide open border to the south (and a cabinet secretary who says it’s under control), a country that’s back to depending on foreign countries to supply oil for gasoline, a green energy agenda that despises gas-powered vehicles and support for abortion at all stages despite calling himself a “practicing Catholic.” That’s not even addressing all of the questions surrounding his age and the lack of support for another run that’s been seen in numerous polls. Of additional concern are the millions of dollars - some from China - that a Congressional committee is uncovering that have flowed into the pockets of many Biden family members..
    If the Republicans can’t mount a successful campaign against Biden’s record as President with whomever they nominate to run against him, the GOP better begin looking for some different leaders.


The Imperial Republican

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