Your input key in community assessment

Every so often, a community needs to step back and see where they’ve been, what they have or haven’t accomplished and set sights on the future. That’s what Imperial is doing right now.
    Last week marked the kickoff meeting for the Nebraska Extension’s Entrepreneurial Communities Activation Process, otherwise known as ECAP.
    The goal of the program is to help Imperial rev up its economic growth engine and prepare for the future that lies ahead.
    The process includes several steps, the first being to understand Imperial’s unique characteristics, its strengths and assets and the potential for growth.
    To accomplish this first step, everyone who considers Imperial their home—whether they live in town or in the country—is urged to complete a “discovery” survey about Imperial.
    This discovery piece includes questions focusing on community characteristics and strengths, retail shopping, health care services and community amenities, housing and demographics.
    The results of these confidential, anonymous surveys will forge the foundation for setting priorities for Imperial in the upcoming years. This includes building a spirit of teamwork to create an actionable plan to meet the future needs and priorities of the Imperial community as a whole.
    We all take great pride in what Imperial has been able to accomplish over the years. The goal will be to ensure that same type of entrepreneurial spirit continues to live on.
    I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to fill out one of these surveys. Take it a step further and ask three of your friends to fill one out too.

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The Imperial Republican

308-882-4453 (Phone)

622 Broadway St

PO Box 727

Imperial, NE 69033