Extension cancels in-person training

All in-person extension teaching and trainings will be cancelled through the beginning of May, based on directives from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

That includes all in-person pesticide and chemigation trainings that were previously scheduled. 

In order to complete private pesticide applicator training, producers can utilize the online courses. 

Pesticide training can be found psep.education/applica tor/. 

Chemigation training can be found at water.unl.edu/article/agricultural-irrigation/chemi gation. 

Those applying for an initial chemigation license must complete the testing portion of the training in the extension office. The extension office should be contacted to schedule testing.

Questions can be directed to Strahinja Stepanovic, Extension Educator, atstrahinja.stepanovic@unl.edu or to the Chase County Extension office.


The Imperial Republican

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