To enhance life, learn to ‘Let It Go’

Let it go, let it go; can’t hold it back anymore.
Whether you even know the story of “Frozen,” the 2013 popular animated movie, you no doubt know the tune to, “Let it Go,” the movie’s theme song written by James Bay.
Let it Go can spark numerous images for many circumstances.
Anticipating six hours on the road by myself, I stopped at the library to pick up a book on CD. Mysteries often times help the time pass while travelling. Instead, I walked away with a six-CD series entitled, “Let it Go,” by Peter Walsh.
I’m familiar with Mr. Walsh, a renowned professional organizer, and have enjoyed his Australian accent on various programs. He makes a living coaching people from all aspects of life to get organized. This invariably requires the mindset to Let it Go when dealing with stuff.
I’ve repeatedly mentioned in this column my strong belief that clutter is toxic, thereby taking interest in the book’s theme--“Downsizing your way to a richer happier life.”
However I do need to grasp a concept that along with owning exercise equipment, reading and listening to organizing and de-cluttering tips aren’t effective if you don’t use them.
Walsh’s stories are endless. Whether you have mounds of paper to either file or trash or whether you have beautiful valuable furniture that you’ve inherited, too much of anything is just that, too much.
Although you might not see my toxic areas when you visit our home, it’s those behind-the-scenes places where clutter dominates that take a bite out of my contentment. So why not purge and conquer? Great question. It’s a common dilemma for many that requires motivation, decision-making and time.
Thus, there are professional organizers in the world that you pay to crack the whip. I would imagine Walsh’s services come with a hefty price but can you put a price on a healthy happier life?
Walsh tells of a couple who always wanted to travel but they had too many projects at home. He guided them to downsize and they fulfilled their dream to see the country.

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