Where is Justice Dept. regarding church attacks?

There is a vast difference in which groups are being prosecuted.

I find it eerily quiet within the U.S. Justice Department and the White House these days as churches and pro-life centers in this country continue to be attacked. Catholic church attacks have intensified since the May 2022 leak that Roe vs. Wade would be overturned. Those attacks have expanded to pro-life centers since the Supreme Court last year, in fact, did overturn the 1970s case that made abortion the law of the land in the U.S.
    So where is our Justice Department in going after the attackers, many of whom have been caught on camera? I had to chuckle last week when Attorney General Merrick Garland testified before Congress that it was more difficult to identify these church and pro-life center attackers because they generally commit their crimes at night.
    Regarding the church attacks, there have been NO federal arrests or prosecutions, even though they are illegal under the federal FACE Act—Federal Access to Clinic Entrances. However, 34 people have been charged for blocking access to or vandalizing abortion clinics, yet just two have been charged federally for their attacks on pro-life centers.
    And then there is the deafening silence from our President who can’t find the time to disavow the church and center attacks. Most of the churches attacked are Catholic, and while Biden claims to be a man of that faith, he certainly has been strangely quiet.


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