A tale of two countries

Never in my lifetime have I seen our country so divided.

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. As we come off of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, it’s amazing to see the stark difference in our country from then to now.  
    After the shock and tragedy of 9/11, our country came together like no other time since WWII. Two generations united once again in a spirit of patriotism and common cause to avenge the horrendous acts of terrorism that tore at the very roots of a nation.
    The unity our country experienced . . . the respect shown to our flag . . . the love of God and country . . . oddly, it was the best of times.
    How things have changed.
    In 2016, the winds of change brought the Republican political party back to power in Washington with a clean sweep of the presidency and both houses of Congress..
    President Trump meant different things to different people. For those who loved Trump, it was the best of times. For those who despised Trump, it was the worst of times.
    Couple that with the BLM movement and Antifa and the burning of our major cities and again you could say it was the worst of times.
    Never in my lifetime have I seen our country so divided.
    In November 2020, Americans decided it was time for another change by electing Joe Biden as our president—a president who promised unity and being a president for all Americans. For some, it was the best of times; for others, well, you know.
    Since then, our country has continued to be assaulted from within, from the Jan. 6 incursion of our nation’s capitol, the Biden policy of open borders on our southern border with Mexico, the continual fight against AND over the COVID-19 pandemic and the list goes on.
    We’ve seen our military leave Afghanistan in the middle of the night only to rush back in with troops to protect an airport that was the last remaining lifeline after the country fell to the Taliban. We brought thousands of Afghanis back to America and then pulled out again, leaving behind an untold number of Americans and American green card holders—something Biden pledged he wouldn’t do.
    We must continue to pray that our country will weather this ongoing storm and come out whole on the other side. The best of times or the worst of times—it’s up to the country to decide.


The Imperial Republican

308-882-4453 (Phone)

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PO Box 727

Imperial, NE 69033