Gas price rise coming during perfect storm

Plan all along was to force prices up so we’d curtail our gas purchases.

It’s becoming difficult to even look at the price signs at gas stations these days, let alone filling up and having to pay for it. Daily increases are jumping as much as 10 cents at a time, when we used to cringe if the price went up a few cents. The increases have been coming for awhile but the latest surge in prices hits during a perfect storm of events.
    At the top of that list is the Biden Administration’s loathing of the fossil fuels industry. He is letting the green leftists in his party persuade him to get rid of gas-powered vehicles as quickly as possible. However, that’s not achieved overnight. But, on day one of his administration, he stopped further development of the Keystone Pipeline during a time when the U.S. was energy independent.
    While the pipeline itself does not produce oil, companies that do certainly aren’t gung-ho on production after Biden’s statements while campaigning and his actions since being sworn in as President.
    While on the campaign trail in February 2020, Biden said there would be no coal plants someday and that he wanted to get rid of fossil fuels. Now his press secretary claims their policies aren’t against increasing domestic production or limiting oil and gas supplies. She noted this week at a press conference that there are 9,000 approved drilling permits not being utilized in the U.S., and wondered why those are sitting idle. She told reporters they should ask the U.S. oil executives about that.
    Would you invest in drilling and production knowing how this administration views their industry?
    It took Biden until this week, and rightly so, to stop importing Russian oil amid their war with Ukraine. That’s contributing to the increase, too, which is true—yet it was okay for Biden to make the comments above while campaigning with no concerns then about the chilling effect on producers down the road.
    The plan all along was to force gas prices up so we would curtail the purchase of gasoline, and move toward electric vehicles. However, Biden didn’t plan on the Russia/Ukraine war that’s now contributing big time to the perfect storm in this country.


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