Are we willing to allow community events to go by wayside?

People will need to reevaluate how much time and talent they are willing to give.

I’m still wondering why there continues to be a labor shortage here and throughout the country. Just look at our classified page to see all the local jobs available, and certainly that is not all of them with
“help wanteds” also posted on social media. And, if you read or watch any of the national news, shortage of workers is a constant source for stories.
        I’m curious where all the workers are, what with the 9.1% inflation rate announced Wednesday morning—a large part of that due to the 60% jump in gas prices we are all suffering through. Let’s not forget the doubling of many of our farmers’ input  costs, as well, let alone the food prices at the grocery store.
        Unfortunately, COVID-19 affected our country like nothing in the past 100 years and there is a hangover from it. We’ve lost some of this country’s desire to be together and do things, including working at a job. Whether some workers have found other ways to make ends meet or it’s something else, I’m not sure anyone has it figured out.
    But, now, it’s apparent some of this COVID hangover has drifted into our volunteer and service work, too. Just locally, look what’s happening. Chamber members have had to scale back on Smokin’ on Broadway with, thankfully, at least the evening concert being offered this Saturday. More volunteers are needed to help. Other organizations I am a part of are screaming for people to step up and volunteer for what have been so many successful projects, benefits and fundraisers.
    Unless we want to see more events go by the wayside, more people are going to have to reevaluate how much time they are giving to their community, and the many worthwhile organizations and efforts here. How are you doing in that realm?


The Imperial Republican

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